Today's hours: 10am - 5pm

Today at Fernbank

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Code of Conduct

Fernbank is a family-friendly museum. To ensure all guests have a positive visit, please adhere to Fernbank’s Code of Conduct.

  • Please dress appropriately and refrain from wearing revealing clothing or attire with offensive graphics or language. Shirts and shoes are required at all times.
  • Smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco is prohibited.
  • Soliciting and loitering are not permitted inside or outside the building.
  • Prohibited Items:
    • Firearms or weapons of any kind
    • Balloons, confetti or sparklers
    • Sports equipment, bikes, skateboards, roller skates
    • Speakers or other amplified sound - headphones or earbuds required 
  • Climbing on walls, exhibitions and other structures is prohibited except for exhibits designed for this type of interaction, such as in Adventure Outpost, Nature Stories and NatureQuest.
  • In outdoor areas, stay on the designated paths to protect yourself and sensitive habitats. Do not enter water features, creeks or pond. Do not handle or collect natural items or living things.
  • Service animals are welcome but must be well-behaved and stay on designated paths. All local ordinances must be followed. Pets and emotional support dogs are not permitted.
  • No disruptive, rude or disrespectful behavior.
  • Please follow instructions from security.

By visiting Fernbank, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct. Fernbank Museum reserves the right to refuse or revoke the admission of anyone whose conduct violates these guidelines without refund.